The Weekly Noticias (6): Show No.6 – 28th June 2017

Here’s a link below to the podcast of Show No.6 of The Weekly Noticias, hosted by me and broadcast on Weds 28th June 2017 on Radio Kanal Barcelona, with guests Xavier Castells, Chris Groves, Tori Sparks, Andrea Moreno, Jon Groves, Viveka Nilsson, Henk Cortier Victor Palomo.

In the show, questions come up about: San Juan, Thomas Jefferson & 4th July, The New York Times (Mariano Rajoy & the Catalan Referendum), the Spanish Women’s Basketball Team, Feliciano Lopez, Salvador Dali, the water in Majorca, Belgian beer, Jeremy ‘Jezza’ Corbyn, Glastonbury, wrinklies, moustaches, sharks, Theresa May & the DUP, Justin Trudeau, rainbow flags & socks, a fool and his money, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Mel Brooks, sewers and breweries, as well as the world’s ugliest dog – which happens to be a Neapolitan Mastiff called Martha, weighing 57Kg.

Follow The Weekly Noticias on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTubeMixcloud, Soundcloud, iTunes and iVoox … and soon on TV. In the meantime, sit back, have a glass of wine, listen to the sixth show’s podcast via Soundcloud right here, and enjoy:

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