They’re coming to my apartment at around 7.30am this Saturday. A cameraman, a sound operator, and some documentary-filmmaker/narrator, apparently from ‘up North’ – although up North of where, I haven’t a clue. I know nothing about them, only that they’re doing a ‘fly-on-the-wall’ doc on ‘wannabe stand-ups’. I’m not even sure I’m a ‘wannabe stand-up’ – I almost gave up a couple of weeks ago. But they’re planning to follow me around all day, film the SUCK! show in Barcelona on Saturday night, and then follow me to London for The Library event ? and the King Gong open mic at the Comedy Store. As if I wasn’t putting myself under enough pressure as it was, I now have 3 or 4 gnats with cameras on my wall, too.
A friend recently asked how and why this stand-up stuff all started, and suggested that I begin collating my experiences for a possible book. So I’m starting this blog – to be one step ahead of the documentary, too.
I’m new to blogging. I’ve resisted it since … well, ever since blogging started. I’ve always preferred to spiel my thoughts into wads of notebooks, journals and diaries over the years, but at least I could now save a tree or two.
I can’t and won’t be blogging about stand-up only, though – and besides, I don’t know how long it will last before I get booed off a stage for good. So I intend to blog and rant about other issues and experiences, too … politics, England, Spain, London, Barcelona, Madrid, lawyers, trying to write a novel, trying to get a movie produced, magazines, family, kids, love, dogs, Smart car drivers, whistlers and even airports, which is where I seem to spend a lot of time. Last week I wanted to blog about Richard III, horsemeat-lasagnes and Superbowl blackouts – this week it could be resigning Popes, bikini shots of a pregnant Kate Middleton, and now even ‘blade runner’ Oscar Pistorius whose girlfriend has just been shot dead whilst I’ve been scribbling this …
But we’ll start with the stand-up experiences (and which will always appear under this blog thread “Standing-Up – The Documentary”) – and which started last Friday 5th October 2012, with a Logan Murray weekend workshop, on one of his ‘Stand Up & Deliver’ courses … (to be continued) …